Group 1 sold Milk. (nick, eng sim, ron yap, mokh, yukiko)
Group 2 sold Pen. (ron liew, bak yong, kayvin, viji, ben, brian)
Group 3 sold Hand phone. (mich kuak, mun mun, myera, grace)
Group 4 sold Sanitary Pad. (mich lee, jaye, timon, juju) - jaye's brilliant idea.
Group 5 sold Deodorant. (leon, jimmy, queenie, carmen)
supposed to act out the heavy flow for the sanitory pad product where someone jump and say the pad feels uncomfortable or something like that. but noone wanted to jump. so there goes the acting. had 2 hours break before ms lecture (12p.m.). ate at cabana again. went back to mezzanine floor to study for acct test. studying half-way, grace came and said "oi! ms lecture! late already!" mich kuak and i went "shit!". practically everyone stared at us, just to realize that it was only 11. grr...
effective way of studying; stare at the window, says jaye:
everyone dozing off during econs lecture today :
a more energetic picture of us :
after lecture another 2 hours break before accts test. went to ac to study. *ahem* yeah, study. sat at the table with our books and notes open while we crapped as usual. nick mentioned about amazon forest when melinda cut in and said, "going to maison?" none of us were in the mood to study. what is there to study anyway? we read the same pages for god knows how many times since morning and still did not understand a thing. got fed up and went for a little foos. after foos at ac, we walked to mpsj hall and waited outside.
i seriously hate the name michelle by now. we were outside mpsj hall waiting for the door to open when aaron came by and said, "michelle, so are you gonna screw the accts paper later?" mich kuak and i looked at him and answered. then aaron stared at us both. both of us stared at each other and then at aaron. mich kuak then said, "oh! you talking to her is it?" then i went, "huh? you were talking to mich kuak?" aaron looked at us both and said, "oh! haha. both of you." yeah right. aaron would usually follow up that "yeah right" with a, "i'm always right."
went in the hall and realize that mich kuak and i are seated right in front. oh my god! did the accts paper and screwed it all up. i am in no position to feel happy right now. but i'm really sick of feeling moody over exams so yeah, i am so gonna stick to feeling happy. after test, realized that i was not the only person who screwed it up. envy those who did not screw their test up.
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